Murray Mallee Aged Care

Murray Mallee Aged Care

No-one provides in-home aged care quite like we do.

Contact details

2A Myall Ave Murray Bridge South Australia 5253
08 8532 2255
Visit Murray Mallee Aged Care

Murray Mallee Aged Care Group is a not-for-profit non-government organisation providing specialised in-home services and social support groups for aging people in rural & Metropolitan SA

Born from a spirit of community advocacy in 1994, Murray Mallee Aged Care Group continues to provide in-home services, social support and a retirement living village for seniors in the rural and remote regions of the Murray Mallee, Mid-Murray, Riverland, Adelaide Hills, and Southern Fleurieu Peninsula.

Our care with a community heart now also embraces the Adelaide metro area.

We proudly offer Level 1 to 4 Home Care Packages (HCPs) to our local seniors and anyone in need of a helping hand to maintain independence. Our HCPs are operated under the Consumer Directed Care model, where our clients direct their care with our assistance.