Mobile ADF Careers Centre
Australian Defence Force Careers would like to let you and your community know that the
Mobile ADF Careers Centre MACC will be coming to Murray Bridge from Saturday 4th May for 2 Days.
The MACC will be parked at:
Saturday 4th May: Murray Bridge RSL – Lot 2 Ross Road Murray Bridge – 10am – 1pm
Sunday 5th May: Narooma Wetlands, – 74 Long Island Rd, Murray Bridge – 9am – 11.30am
The community is invited to visit the MACC mobile careers centre for an informal chat with serving members and to learn more about a career in the Australian Defence Force ADF, Including GAP year & Cadetship information.
Australian Defence Force Careers will also be running hosting an information session/s, for times and location details please see link below:
ADF Careers – Murray Bridge: Defence Careers Information Session