Stirling Players – The Explorer’s Club
March 22nd the Stirling Players next play, “The Explorers Club” will hit the stage for the first time. The play tells a farcical tale of 1880s London exploration society and promises laughter, fun and colourful frivolity.
Never performed in Australia before “The Explorers Club” provides the Stirling Players a unique opportunity to stage something new.
The story centres on Lucius Fretway (played by Gary George) a botanist who is trying to keep the Explorers Club together and relevant in the rapidly changing world of 1880s science, but he and his comrades are facing mockery, charges of treason and can’t even get a decent drink.
The Stirling Players have pulled together volunteer actors from the Fleurieu, Hills and Adelaide to stage the production at the beautiful Stirling Community Theatre. The season runs for 3 weeks from Mar 22- April 14 with a break for easter. The new 3pm timeslot for Saturdays and Sundays encourages patrons to stick around and enjoy an Autumn evening in Stirling.
Visit the Stirling Players website for ticketing information- https://www.stirlingplayers.sct.org.au/