
Soft, Lazy, or Misunderstood: Gen Z Called ‘Soft’ by Bosses

July 13, 2023 2:41 pm in by

A pressing issue is unfolding in the job market as numerous companies across multiple industries find themselves desperately seeking skilled tradespeople. The demand for these professionals has reached unprecedented levels, with enticing rewards being offered to attract workers. Australia, in particular, is grappling with a severe shortage of tradespeople, as reported by the Housing Industry Association, marking the worst situation in two decades.

Experts are examining the root causes behind this shortage, and a significant shift in attitudes is emerging as a likely culprit. Industry professionals argue that the younger generation holds sentiments of entitlement and reluctance to work, which contributes to the scarcity. This assessment has sparked debates and discussions about the work ethic and expectations of Generation Z, with issues like “Bare Minimum Mondays” and remote work arrangements under scrutiny.

While these evolving attitudes have undeniably impacted the corporate world, attention must also be given to those who work in trades outside the office environment. Recruitment director Graham Wynn, an expert in employment, shares that attracting young individuals to pursue a trade has become increasingly challenging. Wynn notes that this hurdle is one of the most difficult he has encountered during his 15-year career.

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Various factors contribute to this challenge. Among them is the prevalent desire for instant gratification among Generation Z. Trades require apprenticeships, which demand substantial time, hard work, and dedication. However, some young individuals expect immediate opportunities to engage in hands-on work from the outset. Furthermore, apprenticeships often offer modest pay, leading some to compare unfavorably with their peers who earn modestly more in seemingly cleaner jobs, such as fast-food restaurants.

This issue extends beyond the trades industry and manifests as a broader trend in the younger generation’s work ethic. Wynn highlights instances where individuals express discontent and consider leaving their jobs after just a few months due to perceived lack of progress. The desire for instant rewards without putting in sustained effort has become a characteristic of this generation.

Employers are feeling the impact, leading some to request that only applicants above the age of 25 apply for roles, as they view younger workers as having a poor work ethic. This shortage of skilled workers continues to grow, and remuneration for tradespeople has significantly increased post-Covid.

Addressing this challenge requires bridging the gap between expectations and reality, emphasising the value of hard work, long-term growth, and the promising prospects that the trades industry offers. A collective effort is needed to ensure a workforce that meets the demands of the future, benefiting both employers and the younger generation.
